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Event tents for 2000-3000 people for sale

date 2023-05-08
check 317

A large event usually requires a large venue or building.

Our large tent is a great option as it can be used for permanent construction for over 20 years, or it can be a temporary tent that is removable after the event. Whether it's a large event with thousands of people, or a small gathering of dozens, we can provide you with the right size tent hall. KENTEN tents can be very flexible to meet various needs, and can also be customized according to individual requirements.

Event tents for 2000-3000 people for sale

Event tents for 2000-3000 people for sale

Regarding the size of the tent, usually 0.6 to 1.0sqm per person is enough for large events. For example, for a capacity of 2000 people, we recommend a tent of 25x55m or 25x60m, and for a capacity of 3000 people, we recommend a large tent of 40x60m.

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