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Frame tents are a more affordable option and ideal for backyard parties
Frame tents are a more affordable option and ideal for backyard parties, social gatherings, cook-offs, company parties, or sporting events.
Structure tents are ideal for weddings, disaster relief, long-term installations or climate-controlled events
Structure tents are preferred due to their free-standing design as the legs are solely around the perimeter. Structure tents may be used with or without sidewalls and can be built in 10’ increments.
Marquee tents are ideal for festivals or small backyard events
Marquee tents may be used with or without sidewalls and are available in 10’x10’, 10’x20’ and 20’x20’.
Clear span tents create a unique surrounding for high-profile events
Clear span tents are assembled with box beam aluminum frame structures making them incredibly strong.
Frame tents work well for indoor and outdoor installations
Frame tents work well for indoor and outdoor installations. Their versatility and size make them perfect for weddings, corporate events, catering operations, street fairs and sporting events.
KENTEN's structural tent for sporting events
We can design and implement structures tent for sporting events that are as varied as the different sports themselves.
Dear all, We ended the Spring Festival holiday today and officially returned to normal work.
Dear all, We ended the Spring Festival holiday today and officially returned to normal work. In this new year, KENTEN Events Group will still try our best to provide customers with better services and high-quality products.
Two Story Large Party Marquee for Sale
Double decker party marquee widely used for sports events, parties, and outdoor events
Large span white tent for sale
If you want to hold large outdoor events, such as business events, parties and weddings, our white marquee will be the best solution.
White Outdoor Gazebo Canopy Tent For Sale
Gazebo canopy tents are ideal for hosting a variety of party events or serving catering in the backyard. We provide tent size 3×3, 4×4, 5×5, 6×6, 10×10 as options.
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