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Geodesic dome tents find applications in various event

date 2023-09-19
check 383

Since the introduction of geodesic dome tents, they have taken the world by storm, with many customers opting for geodesic dome tents to captivate the audience's attention. Geodesic domes are crafted from high-strength steel tubing, with a minimum diameter of 6 meters and a maximum diameter of 60 meters, catering to diverse customer needs.

geodesic dome tents

Geodesic dome tents find applications in various events:
?Brand Launch Events
?Large-scale gatherings

They come in different colors and transparent covers can be chosen. What's more, custom and unique fabrics can be created using inkjet printing and CNC engraving, ensuring each customer receives a satisfactory solution.

#geodesic #dome #customized #events #rental #camping #wedding #exhibition #concerts #theater #gathering

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