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40m aluminum frame party tent
The tents provided by KENTEN for the event can be customized with a range of features, including windows, doors, flooring, lighting and heating,
Party tents are the perfect solution for outdoor parties.
KENTEN banquet tents can be fully transparent or equipped with glass walls. Guests can enjoy the views of the surroundings while dining.
China Custom Trade Show Tent Manufacturers
As a large tent manufacturer and tent supplier in custom trade show tent business in China, KENTEN has more than 23 years of experience in tent design, production, installation.
Temporary exhibition tents for sale
The temporary exhibition tent provided by KENTEN adopts aluminum alloy frame and PVC fabric, which meets the international wind load and flame retardant certification.
Beautiful Wedding Tent for Sale
Our life needs a sense of ritual, especially a wedding. KENTEN's wedding tents create a different outdoor wedding for you.
KENTEN factory are packing the black tent.
We can produce clear span structures according to the different usage requirements of customers.
KENTEN tells you how to keep warm and ventilate in the tent
This article will explain how to keep warm and ventilate in the tent, I hope it will be helpful to you.
Can the wedding tent be customized?
If you are interested in customizing wedding tents, please contact us, KENTEN will provide you with high-quality services.
The storage tent is a short-term solution to the storage problem of the enterprise
The storage tent produced by KENTEN is a large-scale clear span structure with a span ranging from 10m to 60m. There is no pillar in the middle
KENTEN's Aluminum Frame Tents Shipped to the USA - A Story of International Delivery
KENTEN, a leading manufacturer of aluminum frame tents, recently shipped a batch of their high-quality tents to the United States, marking another successful international delivery for the company.
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